Sending text messages (SMS) via Netappel

You may use special characters; however the use of special characters '(characters like ç, @, €, etc.) may result in longer messages. To check how many messages would be needed to send your message, please use the SMS function in your myaccount, your desktop client or MobileVOIP client.

Using the Netappel client:

Select the SMS-tab in the application:

Your user name is already filled out in the Caller ID field. You can opt to show your mobile phone number as well. Just make sure your mobile number is entered in your personal profile and verified (to counter misuse of the SMS).

You can enter multiple recipients. Simply select them from your phone book or enter them directly in the text field (comma separated, use the full international number)

Use the "later" option to send your messages at a pre determined time.

Free SMS

Using the Netappel website

Login to your personal pages and select the SMS option. Follow the instructions on the screen to send your messages.

Free SMS

Using HTML SMSlink

You can also send text messages (SMS) without using our software or accessing the website. Use the following link and fill in the desired data:

Explanation of the variables:

  • username: your Netappel username
  • password: your Netappel password
  • from: your username or your verified phone number. Always use international format for the number starting with +, for instance +491701234567
  • to: the number you wish to send the sms to. Always use international format starting with +, for instance +491701234567
  • text: the message you want to send

After creating the link in a text editor you can copy it into your internet browser's address bar:

Free SMS

Than just hit the Enter button and you will get a notification if the text message (SMS) was sent.

NetAppel accepte tous les modes de paiement principaux. Click here to find out which one suits you best.

* Maximum de 300 minutes par semaine d'appels gratuits, mesuré sur les 7 derniers jours. Les minutes gratuites non utilisées ne peuvent êtres reportées a la (aux) semaine(s) suivante(s). Si la limite est dépassée, le tarif normal sera appliqué. Avec vos FREE DAYS vous pouvez appeler gratuitement toutes les destinations listées gratuites ! Quand vous n'avez plu de FREE DAYS, le tarif normal est appliqué. Vous pouvez obtenir de nouveaux FREE DAYS en achetant du crédit.